Marco Simone Golf & Country Club, official venue of the 2023 Ryder Cup, makes a choice of sustainability by using a warm season turfgrass such as Paspalum, more suitable for the Mediterranean climate, which have a greater resistance to the annual thermal excursion and which require less use of water for irrigation. When temperatures drop during the winter period, Paspalum begins the dormancy phase, a period in which the development of the plant stops and the vegetative restart begins when the soil temperature rises.

Marco Simone Golf & Country Club, official venue of the 2023 Ryder Cup, makes a choice of sustainability by using a warm season turfgrass such as Paspalum, more suitable for the Mediterranean climate, which have a greater resistance to the annual thermal excursion and which require less use of water for irrigation. When temperatures drop during the winter period, Paspalum begins the dormancy phase, a period in which the development of the plant stops and the vegetative restart begins when the soil temperature rises.